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Participant Spotlight: Rhonda and Kevin Brett

Tuesday, February 6th

Rhonda and Kevin Brett are saying farewell to alcohol for the month of February in hopes of fundraising for a cause that has directly impacted their family numerous times.

The Kamloops residents are taking part in the BC Cancer Foundation’s Lose the Booze, where participants go alcohol-free for 28 days straight while fundraising in support of life-saving cancer research and care at BC Cancer.

One in two British Columbians will face cancer in their lifetime — a stat that the Bretts unfortunately know all too well.

"Cancer arrived like a wrecking ball in our family," Rhonda says of the many close family members who have been affected by the disease.

They are aware it may be no easy feat going dry for a month where so many social events have alcohol present.

"This challenge isn’t a walk in the park but it’s a worthy cause that highly resonates with us," Rhonda says. "We’re happy to do our part and show our support for those living with cancer."