沈惟賢先生  Willie Shen

沈惟賢先生(Willie Shen),在出版行業辛勤耕耘四十年,於2000年正式退休。同一年,他被診斷患有肺癌 (第三期),當時他六十歲,而他卻一直期盼著退休之後可以有更多時間陪伴家人,享受退休生活和天倫之樂。

對沈先生和他太太沈樂俊薏女士(Happy Shen)來說, 這消息真的是晴天霹靂。這一切是那麽刻骨銘心,難以忘懷!

診斷剛出來的那幾天,沈先生覺得自己的生活天翻地覆,好像上天跟他開了一個殘酷的玩笑。一開始他很擔心,懷疑自己是否有機會看到孩子們成家立業, 培育下一代;但是他迅速從情緒的谷底掙脫出來,全力以赴地踏上一條治療康復之路。

沈先生清楚地知道,他極度希望看到子孫滿堂的那一天。正是這個想法給他抗癌力量,支撐他度過了化療,手術和放射治療的整個過程。在治療結束之後的康復過程中, 沈先生積極參與各癌病機構為義工, 盡心幫助跟他有著同樣經歷的肺癌患者們和他們的家庭。


For Willie Shen and his wife, Happy, the cause hits extremely close to home.

In 2000, after a 40-year career in the publishing industry, Willie was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was 60 years old at the time and had been looking forward to spending more of his new free time with his family.

Within days of his diagnosis, Willie’s world had turned upside down and he felt like “someone was playing a cruel joke” on him. While initially not knowing whether he would be able to see his children grow and raise their own families, he turned all of his strength towards beginning a road to recovery.

He knew he wanted to be able to one day meet his grandchildren, and that was a thought he kept close while undergoing chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

Willie has been in remission since his treatments concluded, and wants to help other families facing a similar situation he and Happy were in.

The Happy Melody Singing Group Charity Concert will support Dr. Stephen Lam’s cutting-edge lung cancer research at BC Cancer, helping ensure patients impacted by lung cancer will have access to the latest in care.