My thoughts are with everyone who has been adversely impacted by this pandemic over the last number of months. Coupled with a dysfunctional geopolitical environment, soul-crushing divisiveness south of the border and friendly protests that morph into looting and destruction, it is challenging to stay positive.
I posed the question to a great friend, Paul Player, as to what we can do that can have a positive impact on our community, show respect for those who are on the front lines in our health care system, and hopefully set an example for others that want to convert distress into positive energy.
In this regard, Paul, Loki (woof-woof) and I are going to “run” (full disclosure: I haven’t run an honest mile in years!) from Puntzi Lake to Pemberton beginning next Monday am with the intent to raise money for BC Cancer Foundation. As many of you know, I have an indebtedness to BCC that I am happy to address however and whenever I can. The trip will be self-supported (packs), approximately 350 kms, very remote (“social isolationists” by default), full of grizzlies including two families right here on the ranch, and very beautiful. We would hope to complete within five days, so approximately 70 kms per day.
Despite that many of our lives seem to be on hold right now, cancer hasn’t stopped. As a Board member at BCCF, we see the statistics and they are distressing - cancer continues to be the #1 cause of death in BC, and more than 2,250 British Columbians are diagnosed monthly. Having said this, there continues to be huge progress made and every dollar raised continues to help us move the ball down the field.
We are doing this for every patient, for every diagnosis, for every chemo, and every new discovery.
Paul, Loki and I would love your help! Please click here if you would like to support us.