Many women who have successfully completed their clinical cancer treatment still require additional care. They may face lingering and sometimes invisible side effects from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Treatment can take a significant toll on self-image and confidence and impact intimate relationships. Many women struggle with the pressures of being caregivers for family and friends, even as they cope with the significant emotional and psychological impacts of cancer.
And for some women, returning to a treatment centre to receive much-needed support can trigger painful memories of the treatment journey - of receiving a difficult diagnosis or being sick.
BC Cancer - Victoria is ready to offer women and their families a much-needed alternative: a standalone, patient-focused space, only 300 meters away from BC Cancer - Victoria, that will expand supportive care services.
The BC Cancer - Victoria Integrated Care and Research Pavilion will be a healing, welcoming environment for patients and families that will have a tremendous benefit for their quality of life.
Housed within the new BC Cancer - Victoria Pavilion, critical supportive care programs will be elevated and tailored to meet the unique needs of women and their families.
- Patient & Family Counselling will help improve the emotional health of patients, including coping mechanisms for life changes, family tensions and financial stressors;
- Psychiatry will connect patients with experts in mental health to assist with depression, anxiety, fear and sleep issues; and
- Hereditary Counselling will provide genetic counselling and testing for families that may have inherited an increased risk of certain types of cancer.
As well, three nursing teams will be re-located to the new pavilion to support patients in person and virtually:
- The Telephone Nurse Line will have dedicated nurses to support patients with urgent symptom management;
- Virtual Nursing Support will provide virtual assessments, support and education; and
Future Patient Support will focus on future patient navigation and outreach.
Together with visionary partners who know the importance of supportive care services, we can make the expansion of supportive care at BC Cancer - Victoria a reality.