Eleni Skalbania

Total Number of Gifts: 93
Total Value of Gifts: $43,288.45

Recent Donors

Deanna & Ted Turton

Redfish Kids Clothing

Kristy Brinkley

Dan Sharp

Nancy Wu

Jim and Donna Raleigh

Joy Mauro

George Yen

Dino and Kathy Bonnis

John Pappajohn

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April 14, 1943 - September 28, 2013

Eleni was a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Partner, and a best friend. Eleni exhibited leadership and passion for everything in life. She showed this leadership and passion by recently making a $1 Million commitment gift to the BC Cancer Foundation to establish The ELENI SKALBANIA ENDOWMENT FUND FOR LUNG CANCER RESEARCH.

The perpetual Endowment, which is set up in perpetuity, established and maintains an 'Outcomes Unit' for the lung cancer program at the BC Cancer Agency. The purpose of the Outcomes Unit is to track patients’ outcomes and patterns of practice with a view to help developing strategies to improve treatment and survival rates for lung cancer patients across British Columbia and beyond.
Please contribute in Eleni's memory and know that her leadership, her deep compassion for others, and the courage that she exhibited during her life and her illness will continue forever through her Endowment.

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