Ways to Give

There are several ways you can make a donation to the BC Cancer Foundation.

  1. Support this campaign with this donation link.
  2. Donate publicly listed securities (stocks, bonds and mutual funds) to the BC Cancer Foundation, or by completing the BC Cancer Foundation Securities Transfer Form (PDF) with your broker and ask them to initiate the transfer.
  3. Mail a cheque, made payable to ‘BC Cancer Foundation’, to:
    BC Cancer Foundation
    Attn: Becky Yost
    150 686 West Broadway
    Vancouver, BC
    V5Z 1G1
  4. Make a gift in U.S. Dollars and receive a U.S. Dollar tax receipt with this donation link

Contact Us

Should you have questions about the impact of your support or would like to discuss recognition opportunities, please contact:

Becky Yost
Associate Director, Development
E: becky.yost@bccancer.bc.ca
P: 604.707.5926